Flower Readings offer a unique and profound way to explore the unity of consciousness across dimensions, serving as a reminder that we are all divinely connected. By engaging with the energy of flowers, participants experience a spiritual reflection of their true nature, revealing deeper truths about themselves and their soul journey.

Flower Readings: A Soul Group Experience

Each Flower Reading session is a shared Soul Group experience. Whether participants know it or not, they are united for a common purpose. This may involve releasing karma from past lives, awakening to self-empowerment, setting boundaries, or undergoing a group spiritual awakening. Throughout the event, common themes often emerge, connecting the experiences of each participant in ways that are subtle yet deeply meaningful. While the significance of the reading may take a few days to fully surface, each individual will gain insight into their personal growth.

With over 15 years of experience in Flower Readings, Deirdre intuitively works with the consciousness of each flower to guide participants on their spiritual path. Occasionally, past life energies surface to further illuminate a key lesson or challenge relevant to this lifetime.

What to Expect in a Flower Reading Event

Prior to the Event – Choosing Your Flower:
Each participant is asked to choose a flower and spend time connecting with it before the event, either through prayer, meditation, or simply mindful observation. This connection is an important part of the process and allows the flower to connect with the participant’s energy.

The Event:
When the group gathers, the flowers are placed on a table—keeping anonymity, as this enhances the power of the reading. Each participant’s flower should not touch or be handled by other flowers or participants.

Brief Introduction and Philosophy:
Each session begins with a brief overview of the philosophy and methodology behind Flower Readings, providing participants with an understanding of how these readings tap into the shared consciousness between individuals and nature.

The Evening Process:

  • Each event is different – though typically a group of 6 – 10 individuals gather for the evening.
  • The event typically includes a reading of five flowers, followed by a brief 15-20 minute break, then a reading of the remaining flowers.
  • Each reading lasts approximately 10 minutes, during which Deirdre will share insights based on the connection with the flower.
  • If needed, a brief energetic chakra balancing may be offered as part of the reading.

Anonymity and Respect:
To preserve the integrity of the readings and respect the energy flow, it’s important not to reveal flower ownership or ask questions until the end of the session. Additionally, personal or sensitive information is never shared openly. If something arises that requires further discussion, Deirdre will arrange a private conversation after the event.

Event Registration and Details

  • Cost:
    • $35 per person group setting (6 – 10 guests)
    • $50 per person private individual reading (5 or less guests)
  • Payment:
    • Upon registration you will be sent a Square Invoice will include GST – you may also e-transfer payment to: info(at)gaianaturaltherapies.com no GST charged.
    • Full payment confirms your participation!
  • Cancellation Policy: If you are unable to attend, you can send a photo of your flower to Deirdre or drop it off in a sealed Ziplock type bag/container. Your reading will be recorded for you to receive afterward.

Final Notes

Flower Readings are not psychic predictions or medical diagnoses. They are a powerful tool for gaining insights into your spiritual connection and soul qualities, offering guidance on your path this lifetime.

If you’re seeking deeper self-awareness, spiritual connection, or simply a unique way to explore the unity of consciousness, Flower Readings may offer the experience you’ve been looking for. Deirdre welcomes individuals or groups to join her in this enriching, soul-deep journey.