Unity Spiritual Centre of Nanaimo   – Metaphysics
– Chakras – Subtle Energy Healing

Spiritual Healing“Healing has little to do with the removal of symptoms. Rather, it is an intimate and integrative process that encompasses every aspect of our being – the entire spectrum of our existence.”  ~ Donald M. Epstien, The 12 Stages of Healing

On October 3rd 2019 I was given the opportunity to speak at the Metaphysical Network of Nanaimo’s gathering. An event held twice monthly in the ashram of Unity Nanaimo. The people and venue were amazingly open and full of great questions – challenging me on my own knowledge.

I loved how the Network opened the evening with a meditation and introductions from the others there, who were able to share and discuss what they are working on within the metaphysical community, such as events, seminars and public speaking engagements.

Being with like minded individuals is so important for the psyche and wellbeing of all. Learning to understand why we connect and bring certain individuals into our lives is also important – and the talk we delved into on October 3 covered just this.

As a Certified Integrative Chakra Therapy® (ICT) Practitioner and Instructor, I wanted to offer an informative evening on the basics of ICT speaking on: chakras as conduits or transformers of Consciousness; touching on the major characteristics, as well as, how they affect the “four archetypes” of the Whole Human Being: Emotional, Mental, Physical and Spiritual.

We spent the first hour of the evening discussing how Chakras are transformers of energy consciousness, that we have one dominant chakra, which is similar to having a dominant right or left hand. Meaning; even though you have one hand which you use more than the other (dominant) that you still use both through out your daily activities. Chakra energy flows similar to that of a toroid energy field though in ICT teachings this energy field regulates the flow of consciousness between dimensions or reality.

Auras, Energy Medicine In examining the adjacent image – we see that we, as humans, have a toroidal field that radiates around our physical form. And in this image a second toroid at the heart. This image does not show that each of our chakras are also toroids.  In addition (not in this image) each and every one of your chakras has its own toroidal field. ICT teaches that each and everyone of us is emanating here in this dimension through our Chakras , the Ida and Pingala and Sushumna nadis. [1]

“Toroidal energy fields exist around everything: people, trees, the earth, sun, and Universe. It is the key to everything because your entire life is created by and from this place. Most torus dynamics contain two toruses or “tori” – like the male and female aspects of the whole – one is spiraling upwards and the other downwards. ‘  ~ Natalie Ledwell (mindmovies.com)

Early in the evening we broke into pairs and practiced Aura Contouring – a exercise that introduces individuals into what it feels like to sense the Human Bio-field of another. We discussed that the field has qualities which can be sensed and interpreted.

We spoke on how the aura can be sensed through your intuition and how sensing these fields help you to understand what aspects of your being each affect.

The field closest to the body: Etheric (Astral) may be represented in a Blueish hue – can feel dense/ heavy or coarse and affects the physical body.

Next is the: Emotional field and may be represented in a Pinkish hue – can feel watery/ medium density and affects the emotions and emotional state of the individual.

The Mental field is the third component of the aura and can be a golden color or white/ silver color – if feels light feathery or wispy and affects the mind and mental matters.

We talked about clearing techniques and the importance of being grounded and centered when working with individuals on an energetic level. Briefly we reflected on how we hold energy within these fields and how we can effectively clear our own Human Bio-field, that of others as well as homes, hospital rooms and offices etc.

After our break I asked for a volunteer and demonstrated what a subtle energetic session would look like and discussed the findings of the work with the volunteer – what chakra I felt was depleted at this time and what the human bio-field was holding and showing me. The volunteer energetically worked with me to help bring the chakras back into balance. We took an energetic representation of what was going on, why it may be going on and what the volunteer could do to help keep everything in balance. In response to my assessments the volunteer concurred the information to be true and accurate in what is currently happening in their life.

The evening ended with a group clearing and Question and Answer session.

Ida, Pingala and Sushumna nadis: subtle energy channels which hold and support
the flow of life force energy