Unleashing Your Inner Power: Embark on a Journey to Self-Empowerment

I understand the desire to tap into personal power, growth, and self-discovery, and the search for tools and techniques that can help unleash our true potential. But how do we determine which tools and techniques are right for us? How can they support us? Do they offer transformative experiences?

When I talk to clients about these three powerful modalities—Reiki, Spiritual Healing, and Hypnosis— I discuss with them how each modality can assist in the releasing of limitations, facilitate inner healing, and awaken their natural abilities.

Reiki: Healing Energy for Self-Empowerment

So, what is Reiki – at its core, Reiki focuses on harnessing the healing power of universal life force energy, known as Chi. This energy naturally flows through the practitioner to where it is needed most. I work with clients using gentle touch in various hand positions or no touch depending on.

  • The clients wishes – yes touch is OK or no it is not OK
  • We are working via Zoom – in a different location, city, country

Aa a practitioner I collaborate energetically with the recipient to promote an overall sense of well-being, relaxation, and rejuvenation of the body, mind, and spirit.

I am facilitating the balance of Ki energy by holding the space and helping move stagnant energy, release heavy emotions, and restore energetic harmony from within. A process I believe fosters self-awareness, empowering individuals to cultivate their own profound sense of well-being.

My clients have noticed with regular Reiki sessions how empowering it is to take an active role in their own healing journey.

  • Developing a deeper connection with the body
  • Cultivating mind-body awareness
  • Addressing personal energetic imbalances
  • Understanding one’s capacity to heal
  • Facilitating personal transformation, healing, and positive change

My Reiki Master once stated ‘that it is a remarkable healing modality that unlocks the innate healing power we all carry within, and by embracing the power of Reiki anyone can embark on a personal journey of self-empowerment’ ~ Doug Horne, Spiritual Reiki Master Shaman.

Spiritual Healing – Integrative Chakra Therapy®: Nurturing the Journey of the Soul

When I am asked what is Spiritual healing? I explain that this modality takes a comprehensive approach by encompassing various practices and modalities. Each one interconnects with the deeper levels of our mind, body, and spirit—the essence of our being. It recognizes the interconnectedness of these aspects and acknowledges that imbalances in the spiritual realm can manifest as physical, emotional, or mental ailments in the physical realm.

In the teachings of Spiritual healing, I have learned that it is not limited to any particular religion or belief system. It involves working with our intention, our higher realms of consciousness, and our personal connection to a higher self or “Oneness” to bring about alignment and transformation.

The goal of spiritual healing is to promote a healthy, balanced, and aligned state on a deep, soul level. And, is recognized in various practices from different cultures and traditions. Spiritual healing can be employed by –

  • Working with the energy of the chakras “Integrative Chakra Therapy® a philosophy developed by Dr. Richard Jelusich, aiming to bring forth balance within the 4 architypes of the human being (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) and to clear the energy bio-fields (aura: physical, astral, causal) bringing forth inner peace, harmony, and balance.
  • Engaging in inner self-reflection, Meditation, Yoga, Breath Work; therapeutic practices to identify and release negative emotions, traumas, limiting beliefs, or patterns that no longer serve well-being. Helping individuals to find their place in the harmony and balance of all things – the present moment.
  • Through invoking the power of focused intention through Prayer and Meditation to tap your higher states of consciousness, receive guidance, and find comfort and support.
  • Utilizing Shamanic Traditions to work with spiritual guides, ancestors, and elemental forces through healing rituals and ceremonies that restore balance and bring harmony Spirit, Mind and Body.

My clients have informed me through the work of mind-body connection; spiritual healing recognizes the influence of our thoughts, our emotions, and beliefs on our well-being. By introducing practices such as:

  • affirmations
  • visualizations
  • guided meditations

Clients have found help in establishing a sense of connection, groundedness, and present-moment awareness. I believe that when a person engages in mindful practices it allows them to tap into self-awareness, reduce anxiety, and find a place of inner peace.

And of course, one can not negate the importance of being connected to Nature. This connection offers a powerful source for personal growth and healing, fostering unity, nurturing empathy, and owning one’s responsibilities. Spending time in nature, appreciating its beauty, and experiencing its serenity can rejuvenate our own energy system, deepen our understanding of ourselves, and enhance our connection, as we become more aware of our role and responsibilities to the larger web of life.

Hypnosis: Unlocking the Power of the Subconscious Mind

Recently I have witnessed just how powerful a tool Hypnosis is. In working with client to help them access their subconscious mind to create positive changes in day-to-day life. Because the role of the subconscious mind is to protect us, it will or may take beliefs, events, situations, habits, memories we have experienced and use them as current life situations even if they are outdated or misinterpreted. Causing for the client at times states of anxiety, fear, pain, and array of other modalities. It is the job of the trained hypnotherapist to help individuals unlock what is the root of their problem and safely work with them in a state of deep relaxation and heightened focus known as hypnosis.

During hypnosis, clients can bypass the critical (conscious) mind and establish a direct connection with the subconscious. And once in this state, the client, while working with the therapist, can identify and reprogram limiting beliefs, release fears and traumas, and cultivate new empowering thought patterns. This process can lead to a dramatic shift in thoughts, emotions, behaviors, improving self-confidence, and bring forth a positive mindset aligned with the clients’ personal goals.

I like to remind my clients that the conscious mind remains active during a hypnosis session, ensuring the safety and ethical integrity of the session. Clients can deepen or lighten their experience and can event down right lie about situations as they are still very much in control even though they are in a hypnotic state. At no time will they be asked to do something inappropriate and of course this means that they can not be forced to do anything they do not wish to do. Hypnosis is a collaboration with the subconscious mind in the post-hypnotic stage to reinforce and integrate positive changes and works best when clients and therapist have a sound positive report built on integrity and honesty.

To embark on a journey of self-empowerment, one needs curiosity, courage, openness, and a willingness to explore new possibilities. The practices of Reiki, Spiritual Healing, and Hypnosis offer unique pathways to unlock our inner power and unleash our true potential. Combining these modalities can create a transformative collaboration, facilitating profound healing, self-discovery, and personal growth.

To embark on a journey of self-empowerment, one needs curiosity, courage, openness, and a willingness to explore new possibilities. The practices of Reiki, Spiritual Healing, and Hypnosis offer unique pathways to unlock our inner power and unleash our true potential. Combining these modalities can create a transformative collaboration, facilitating profound healing, self-discovery, and personal growth.

Blessings Deirdre

Power of Imagery

The Power of Guided Imagery and Metaphors

Hypnotherapy for Stress and Anxiety Relief

With all the hustle and bustle of our busy world today, many have found that stress and anxiety have become common issues that can have a significant impact on our mental health and well-being. Fortunately, a valuable technique often used in hypnotherapy, known as guided imagery, when combined with the use of metaphors, has been proven to effectively alleviate stress and anxiety.

So, let us explore what guided imagery is, how it is used in hypnotherapy, and the role metaphors play to support this therapeutic approach. Additionally, five practical tips have been included at the end of this article to be used to enhance the effectiveness of guided imagery and metaphors in hypnotherapy for stress and anxiety relief.

Firstly, let’s look at what guided imagery is. It is a relaxation technique that involves using mental images to stimulate the senses and create a desired state of mind. It relies on the power of the imagination to evoke vivid sensory experiences, transporting individuals to a calm and serene mental space. By engaging the senses (smell, taste, touch, sound) through visualization, guided imagery helps bypass the conscious mind’s barriers and accesses the subconscious, where positive change and emotional healing can occur.

Guided Imagery

Guided imagery, when used in conjunction with hypnotherapy—a therapeutic approach that utilizes hypnosis to induce a heightened state of suggestibility—provides an ideal platform for incorporating and maximizing the benefits of the client’s imagination. During a hypnotherapy session, a trained therapist guides the client into a deep state of relaxation (hypnosis) and then introduces visualizations tailored to the individual’s specific goals.

To alleviate stress and anxiety, guided imagery in hypnotherapy often involves mentally creating (thinking, visualizing, imagining) a peaceful scene or environment. By doing this, you are assisting the client in building an image. It may be described as a tranquil beach, a serene garden, or any other soothing setting that resonates with the client. Alternatively, the therapist may have the client develop and engage in their own calming, tranquil, safe place. Once established, through the therapist’s guidance, the client engages all of their senses, visualizing the colors, sounds, smells, and textures of this space. They are immersed into the experience, which helps the client shift their focus away from stressors and induces a state of relaxation and inner peace – calmness.


When metaphors are used in conjunction with guided imagery, metaphors become powerful tools used to support the imagery. The subconscious mind loves to be creative, and thus, this enhances the client’s ability to tap into the subconscious mind’s symbolic language, making complex concepts and emotions more accessible and relatable. By using metaphors, therapists can bypass potential resistance and work with the client’s deeper understanding.

In the context of guided imagery, metaphors are employed to enhance the effectiveness of the visualizations. For instance, a therapist may use the metaphor of a gentle breeze to represent the release of tension and worry. By associating the sensation of a gentle breeze with relaxation, the client’s subconscious mind can create a strong link between the two, making it easier to evoke a sense of calm when the metaphor is employed in subsequent sessions or even in daily life.

Metaphors can also be utilized to reframe and transform negative thought patterns. For example, a therapist might compare negative thoughts to dark storm clouds and guide the client to visualize the clouds dissipating, revealing a clear blue sky. This metaphorical transformation helps individuals reinterpret their negative thoughts and emotions, promoting a more positive and optimistic outlook. 

In summary, when guided imagery is accompanied with the use of metaphors, a powerful technique for relieving stress and anxiety is created within the realm of hypnotherapy. By implementing the tips offered below, anyone can enhance the effectiveness of a guided imagery session, ensuring a personalized and impactful experience for clients. By tailoring imagery, engaging all the senses, using resonant metaphors, and then incorporating post-session practice, such as combining guided imagery with breathing exercises, you are contributing to a more profound relaxation response and long-term stress management regime.

If you need to seek the guidance of a trained hypnotherapist or spiritual life coach, please call Deirdre. She will ensure safe and effective utilization of these techniques. With dedication and practice, guided imagery and metaphors can provide valuable tools for alleviating stress and anxiety, fostering positive mental well-being and a greater sense of inner peace.

As promised, here are five tips to enhance guided imagery and metaphors in hypnotherapy for stress and anxiety relief:

Five Tips of Use:

  • Tailor the imagery to the individual: Recognize that each person’s experience and preferences may vary. Take the time to understand the client’s unique needs and interests to create visualizations that resonate with them personally. By customizing the imagery, it becomes more meaningful and engaging for the individual, thereby maximizing its therapeutic impact.
  • Engage all the senses: Encourage clients to utilize all their senses during the guided imagery process. Prompt them to imagine the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures of the imagined environment. By involving multiple senses, the experience becomes more immersive, enhancing relaxation and reducing anxiety.
  • Use metaphors that resonate: Choose metaphors that have personal relevance to the client. Metaphors should align with their values, beliefs, and experiences. This ensures a deeper connection to the metaphorical transformation and enhances its impact on the subconscious mind. Personalized metaphors facilitate a stronger emotional response and promote lasting change.
  • Encourage post-session practice: Empower clients to practice guided imagery outside of therapy sessions. Provide them with audio recordings or written scripts of the visualizations to use independently. Regular practice strengthens the neural pathways associated with relaxation, making it easier for clients to access a state of calmness during stressful situations. Consistent practice reinforces the positive effects of guided imagery, leading to long-term stress and anxiety reduction.
  • Combine guided imagery with breathing exercises: Integrate deep breathing techniques with guided imagery to amplify the relaxation response. Instruct clients to take slow, deep breaths as they engage in the visualization process. Deep breathing promotes relaxation, reduces anxiety, and enhances the overall effectiveness of guided imagery. Encourage clients to practice deep breathing alongside their guided imagery exercises, both during therapy sessions and in their everyday lives.

Blessings Deirdre 

Read more: The Power of Guided Imagery and Metaphors

D’arcy-Sharpe, A.-M. (2020, May 30). https://www.pathways.health/visualization-guided-imagery-for-pain-relief/. Retrieved from https://www.pathways.health: https://www.pathways.health/visualization-guided-imagery-for-pain-relief/

LAMBERT, S. A. (1996). The Effects of Hypnosis/Guided Imagery on the Postoperative Course of Children. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, 17(5):p 307-310.

Pincus, David, and Anees A. Sheikh. (2011). David Grove’s Metaphors for Healing. Retrieved from https://digitalcommons.chapman.edu/: https://digitalcommons.chapman.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1042&context=psychology_articles